Increased delta component in computerized sleep electroencephalographic analysis suggests abnormally deep sleep in primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2000;34(5):294-302.Hunsballe JM. Increased delta component in computerized sleep electroencephalographic analysis suggests abnor-...
Wavelength-dependent effects of evening light exposure on sleep architecture and sleep EEG power density in men Light strongly influences the circadian timing system in humans via non-image-forming photoreceptors in the retinal ganglion cells. Their spectral sensitiv... M Munch,SR Kobialka,P Oelhafen...
Hypotensionis an abnormally low blood pressure that hampers the oxygen supply to various parts of the body leading to a host of signs and symptoms. Blood pressure lowers when one is extremely relaxed and inactive like during sleep. Similarly, people who are physically fit, like athletes, will h...
Poseidon is a python-based application that leverages software defined networks (SDN) to acquire and then feed network traffic to a number of machine learning techniques. The machine learning algorithms classify and predict both the type of device and i