Define abnormalcy. abnormalcy synonyms, abnormalcy pronunciation, abnormalcy translation, English dictionary definition of abnormalcy. Noun 1. abnormalcy - an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies abnorm
Friedreich ataxia, the only autosomal recessive condition among the major tandem repeat disorders, is caused in 97% of patients by the expansion of a GAA repeat in the first intron of the frataxin (FXN) gene. The level of frataxin protein expression is decreased in affected individuals with...
The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition." causes of gender dysphoria o Gender identity develops between 18 months and three years of ageo Unclear when this starts for some people and don't know why some people ...
Anorexia nervosa (AN)is an eating disorder characterized by the maintenance of a bodyweight well below average through starvation and/or excessive exercise. Individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa often have adistorted body image, referenced in literature as a type of body dysmorphia, meaning that...
Define abnormallity. abnormallity synonyms, abnormallity pronunciation, abnormallity translation, English dictionary definition of abnormallity. n. pl. ab·nor·mal·i·ties 1. The condition of not being normal. 2. A phenomenon or occurrence that is not