Heavy cannabis use (HCU) exerts adverse effects on the brain. Structural covariance networks (SCNs) that illustrate coordinated regional maturation patterns are extensively employed to examine abnormalities in brain structure. Nevertheless, the unexplore
The study population comprised 130 patients, mainly females (71.5%), with the primary diagnosis of a neurotic disorder or personality disorder according to ICD-10 admitted for psychotherapy in a day hospital. Pre-treatment cortisol levels were measured in three saliva samples collected in one day....
Geroulanos S, Jaggi F, Wydler J, Lachat M, Cakmakci M. Thoracopagus Symmetricus. Zur Trennung von siamesischen Zwillingen im 10. Jahrhundert n. Chr. durch byzantinische Arzte [Thoracopagus symmetricus. On the separation of Siamese twins in the 10th century A. D. by Byzantine physicians...
nutrients Article Dietary Compound Chrysin Inhibits Retinal Neovascularization with Abnormal Capillaries in db/db Mice Min-Kyung Kang, Sin-Hye Park, Yun-Ho Kim, Eun-Jung Lee, Lucia Dwi Antika, Dong Yeon Kim, Yean-Jung Choi and Young-Hee Kang * Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Hallym...
. Our investigations prove [12] that the similar segmented grating (as a set of periodically spaced dieleOcutrricinstvreipssti)gcaotiuolndspprorovvidee[s1t2r]onthgabtlothckeinsgimoiflaar gsueigdmedenwteadvegwraittihnogut(ains daucsientgoafnpyebriaocdkiwcaalrldy- sdpiarceecdteddigeuleicdteri...
atoms Article The Study of Ar I and Ne I Spectral Line Shapes in the Cathode Sheath Region of an Abnormal Glow Discharge Nikola V. Ivanovic´ Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia; nikolai@ff.bg.ac.rs; Tel.: +381-64-229-2435 Received: 30 November 2018...