Abney level 阿布尼水准仪,阿布水准器,爱尼式测斜仪,手水准仪 abney level phr. 手水准仪;阿布尼水准器;阿伯尼水准仪;阿布尼水平器 abney hand level 埃布尔尼手持水平仪 Abney colorimeter 阿布尼氏比色计(一种在光谱平面放置3条裂隙以分离配色的比色计。颜色成分的亮 Abney law 阿布尼氏定律(连合光谱的明度...
The meaning of ABNEY LEVEL is a surveying clinometer consisting of a short telescope, bubble tube, and graduated vertical arc used especially for measuring tree heights.
词条 abney level 专业释义 <石油>艾布尼水准仪 <光电>阿布尼水准器 <科技>阿布尼水准仪;阿布水准器;爱尼式测斜仪 <冶金>手水准仪;测角仪 词条提问
Abney level definition: a hand level for determining elevations and angles of slope.. See examples of ABNEY LEVEL used in a sentence.
Abney level- a surveying instrument consisting of a spirit level and a sighting tube; used to measure the angle of inclination of a line from the observer to the target surveyor's level- surveying instrument consisting basically of a small telescope with an attached spirit level rotating around ...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: abney level abney level分享到: 手水准仪分类: 进出口 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗? ·烧蚀涂层 ·烧蚀表 ·烧蚀冷却材料 ·烧蚀绝缘塑料 ·烧蚀隔热材料 ·...
Abney level水准仪;水准器;爱式测斜仪;手水准仪 近义、反义、联想词 近义词n. surveyor's level 用户正在搜索 Fervidor, fervor, fervour, FES, fescennine, fescue, FESEM, fesogenin, fess, fesse, 相似单词 abnegator, Abner, abnerval, abneural, Abney, abney level, abnormal, abnormal condition...
1) Abney level 阿布尼水准器 2) Abney clinometer 阿布尼测斜器 3) Abu Zenima 阿布宰尼迈 4) Ammonium hydroxide 阿摩尼亚水 5) abdullah kani 阿布杜拉卡尼绸 6) Abney colorimeter 阿布尼氏比色计 补充资料:阿摩尼亚水 NH40H 分子量 85.05 氨水是氨的水溶液,无色有强烈刺激性气味。氨含量越多,密度越小。
abney level phr. 手水准仪;阿布尼水准器;阿伯尼水准仪;阿布尼水平器 hand level 手水准,手用水平仪 Abney colorimeter 阿布尼氏比色计(一种在光谱平面放置3条裂隙以分离配色的比色计。颜色成分的亮 Abney law 阿布尼氏定律(连合光谱的明度等于其组成部分的明度的总和。) Abney mounting 阿贝尼装法 Abney fo...
6) water level 水准仪 1. This method utilizes the large scale of land measuring method and the precise benchmark level of the water level gauge in the high trueness displacement of the drone, with which we obtain the tolerance in ±0 1mm. 利用大地测量方法测量范围大的特点 ,将水准仪提供...