澳大利亚商业编号(Australian Business Number,简称ABN)是一种用于识别商业实体的唯一编号。它不仅是一个税号,还用于多种商业活动,包括与政府机构的交易、税务申报、商品及服务税(GST)的收取等。ABN的注册是免费的,可以通过澳大利亚税务局(Australian Taxation Office,简称ATO)的官方网站进行。注册ABN的步骤通常包...
在澳大利亚开展业务,无论是本地企业还是外国公司,都需要一个公司税号(Australian Business Number,简称ABN)。ABN是一个独特的11位数字标识,用于企业在澳大利亚税务局(Australian Taxation Office,简称ATO)进行税务和商业注册。本文将介绍ABN的注册与管理要点。注册ABN的步骤1.确定注册资格:首先,企业需要确定是否符...
持有外国护照的朋友可以通过澳洲税务局(Australian taxation office)的网站直接申请。点击以下链接就可以在网上免费申请税号了。 https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/tax-file-number/apply-for-a-tfn/foreign-passport-holders,-permanent-migrants-and-temporary-visitors---tfn-application/ 一般来说,澳洲税务局会在2...
如向澳大利亚消费者销售进口低价值商品(低于$1000澳币),在澳大利亚销售的其他进口商品(澳大利亚仓储),提供数字产品及进口服务。另外常见的还有四个缩写:ATO:Australian Taxation Office, 澳大利亚税务局ABR:Australian Business Register,澳大利亚商业登记局BAS:Business Activity Statements,商业活动申报表,当您注册澳...
An Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11-digit number that identifies businesses in Australia and is used for various tax and business purposes. ABNs are issued by the Australian Business Register (ABR), which is managed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The ABN system wasin...
税号(Tax File Number,简称TFN),是由税务局(Australian Taxation Office)编发至每个纳税人的档案编号,由一串数字组成。具有唯一性,并且会跟着你一辈子哦。 所以一旦申请下来,记得妥善保存。纳税人有可能产生收入的渠道都将和这个税号绑定在一起。 如此一来,税局就可以监控、核实纳税人的收入信息,防止偷税漏税了。
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Choose your application method: You can apply for your ABN online in one of two ways. If you already have a myGovID account linked to your Australian Taxation Office (ATO) profile, the quickest and easiest option will be applying through myGovID. You can also apply directly through the Aust...
Choose your application method: You can apply for your ABN online in one of two ways. If you already have a myGovID account linked to your Australian Taxation Office (ATO) profile, the quickest and easiest option will be applying through myGovID. You can also apply directly through the Aust...