Abmart: the antibody democracy company Abmart (Shanghai) is founded in 2007 with a goal to develop powerful yet accessible technologies to enable routine food and environment safety monitoring, protein diagnostics of health and disease as well as personalized disease treatment. ...
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Abmart is developing functional antibodies for difficult membrane proteins; developing monoclonal antibodies against any target protein; developing highly specific, high affinity monoclonal antibodies against a specified short peptide sequence, a modifie
Abmart 艾比玛特生物医药(上海)有限公司 http://www.ab-mart.com/ 成立于2006年, Abmart是一家由留美生物学家和国际知名风险投资商共同创办的生物技术服务公司,在全球首先推出了低价格“保证使用成功”的抗体定制服务:定制的抗体必须能成功地应用到客户所要求的实验中。Abmart的目标是设立抗体定制服务的行业标准,改变...