The body is a marvelous system and has the ability to compensate when one ‘system component’ fails but you have to give it as many/much advantage as possible. YMMV – Good Luck to us all TXRed says: June 3, 2024 at 5:12 pm Add me to the list of “can go hard for a day, ...
EFFECT OF SPEED ON OXYGEN UPTAKE FOR DISABLED AND ABLED-BODY INDIVIDUALS IN WHEELCHAIR PROPULSION 1026An abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1097/00005768-199705001-01025C. D. WilliamsD. D. PascoeY. T. WangK. VrongistinosY. ZhongMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise...
when he entertained the same thoughts you spoke of .be thankful that your body does what you ask it to when you ask.If you still wish for this ,just use your immagination ,so when the novelty wears off you can still go back to being as normal as possible ,given your current mind ...
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The Broken Body and Broken Bodies: A Liturgical Theological Reflection on Abled and Disabled Bodiesvan Saane, Rima NasrallahTheological Review