Do members of the phylum Cnidaria reproduce sexually or asexually? Why are nautiloids members of the Mollusca phylum? Are hydroids members of the phylum Cnidaria? Do members of the phylum Mollusca have segmented bodies? Do members of the phylum Cnidaria have cilia?
Already trans- humanists are looking forward to the creation of the post- human, an improved human that will have no gender, will notreproduce, will be a better performer in the workplace, will not be distracted by love, or lust, it will be free of disease thanks to these nanobots kee...
other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the ...
but some of the more complex varieties of multicellular organisms show specialisation – brains and lungs and guts and genitals – all for the same purposes, to obtain energy, to stay alive and to reproduce; not that there is some grand predisposition to doing this with foresight, merely that...