If your workflow demands quick analysis, efficiency and extensive insights from small sample sizes, the ABL90 FLEX PLUS is the blood gas analyzer for you.
Conclusion: Creatinine and urea measurements are interchangeable using ABL90 Flex Plus blood gas analyzer compared with 3 central laboratory methods, ensuring no impact on patient care using indistinctly any analyzer.Cristina Pizarro SanchezPaloma Oliver SdezPilar Fernez-CalkMaria Suescun GimenezRicardo ...
ABL90FLEXanalyser;ABL80FLEXanalyserseries;Legal;Contact;Thisisthe websiteofRadiometerPacificPty.Ltd.(AustraliaandNewZealand). http://.radiometer.au/en-au/products/blood-gas/abl800-flex-analyzer MAUDEAdverseEventReport:RADIOMETERMEDICALAPS- RADIOMETERMEDICALAPSABL90FLEXBLOODGASANALYZER:Backto SearchResults:...
A retrospective study was conducted to examine the accuracy of the M4 technology and the CDI 500 as they compare to each other and the ABL90 FLEX, a benchtop blood gas analyzer. The data revealed the magnitude of mean differences were small, even when significant. However, the 95% Limits ...
Comparison of various blood parameters between the ABL90 flex blood gas analyzer and the SYSMEX XN-1000 hematology analyzerdoi:10.1016/j.cca.2019.03.1390A. González RayaR. Coca ZuñigaM. Cantero SanchezG. Callejón MartínM.L. Hortas Nieto...
BLOOD urea nitrogenBackground: The ABL90 FLEX PLUS (Radiometer) is a blood gas analyzer that also provides creatinine (Cr) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) results. We assessed the accuracy of the ABL90 FLEX PLUS to measure Cr and BUN and find suitable candidate specimens against primary ...
Creatinine and urea on the ABL90 flex plus point-of-care blood gas analyzerdoi:10.1016/j.cca.2019.03.1376G. WenneckeG. WenneckeL.B. VangL.B. VangElsevier BVClinica Chimica Acta