The sample of this research was 33 students in 5 th grade class A of Elementary School 1 North Metro. Data were collected used questionnaires, observation sheet and test questions. Data were analyzed using N-Gain effectiveness test. The results showed that worksheet based on Quantum learning is...
The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of students worksheet to improve of critical thinking ability of fourth grade student's of SD N 5 Parakan Kauman based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and local wisdom. This research adopt the procedure of research...
This research aimed to develop Mathematics instructional instruments by using problem based learning (PBL) on "straight line equation" Learning Material for the eightth grade of Secondary schools well as to know its effect on the students' matematical reasoning ability. The method used is mixed met...
heart is here; the lungs are here… The teacher then gives the class a worksheet and asks them to answer questions like which body parts go where. At the end of the period, the only way to measure whether the students have learned anything is based on this worksheet and the unit test....
In this study, a quasi-experimental design consisting of a pre-test and post-test was used. Quasi-experimental designs are preferred in cases where it is not possible to form the classes through random assignment to experimental and control groups by the researchers [62]. Two fifth-grade class...
test (yellow), when students had to assign three variables into independent-dependent-control (orange) or four variables, where two of them were independent (blue) or two of them were dependent (grey). For the sake of clarity, we split the two cases (three or four variables) inFigure 5...