If people do not wish to play characters whose stats are at the mercy of the dice (I personally know one player who detests this, and refuses to play any character in d20 or D&D who has even a single stat lower than 12,) then you either use the alternate point bu...
Ability Score Rolling Redux[edit] So the normal range for ability scores when you roll for them with the rules of the 5e PHB is 3-18. If you want a higher but still "fair" (insofar as random can ever be fair when compared to point buy) and random system for your players rolling ab...
Each roll of a Hit Die (though a penalty can never drop a result below 1—that is, a character always gains at least 1 hit point each time he advances in level). Fortitude saving throws, for resisting poison, disease, and similar threats....
Like other abilities, Luck is rolled for in the same method used for other ability scores. If a point buy system is used instead, add 3 points to spend to make up for having another stat to buy (30 points total). Most monsters and NPCs have a default Luck score of 11. ...
“Wisdom” or whatever. And then the action is resolvable. After that point, of course, the GM can decide a particular skill applies. But that means ANY action can be resolved in D&D without specialized rules. The only thing the GM needs to know to adjudicate ANY action is the definition...
If people do not wish to play characters whose stats are at the mercy of the dice (I personally know one player who detests this, and refuses to play any character in d20 or D&D who has even a single stat lower than 12,) then you either use the alternate point buy syste...