Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche WissenschaftVan Wolde, Ellen. "A Leader Led by a Lady: David and Abigail in 1 Samuel 25." ZAW 114 (2002) 355-75.Von Wolde, E. 2002. A Leader Led by a Lady: David and Abigail in 1 Samuel 25. ZAW 114: 355-375....
Abigail and Foolish Nabal - Then Samuel died, and all Israel gathered and lamented him, and buried him at his house in Ramah. David then arose and
Abigail Deser‘s hypnotic production of Abby Rosebrock‘s compellingly strange “Dido of Idaho” and artistic director Chris Fields’ acutely sensitive production of Samuel D. Hunter’s “Clarkston” made me wish that other local theaters had Fields’ acumen for defiantly weird playwriting. ...
Abigail’s story is told in 1 Samuel 25, at the time when Saul was king. The Bible describes Abigail as being “an intelligent and beautiful woman,” but sadly, her marriage was hard.
(Bible)Old Testamentthe woman who brought provisions to David and his followers and subsequently became his wife (I Samuel 25:1–42) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, ...
After David became king in Hebron, Abigail bore him his second son, Chileab (2 Samuel 3:3) or Daniel, as he is called in 1 Chronicles 3:1. Sister of David and mother of Amasa, at one time commander of David's army (1 Chronicles 2:16,17; Abigal 2 Samuel 17:25). In the ...
Lady in the Park(2016) (Short)-Annie £20K Tea for Two(2015) (Short)-Young Woman samuel-613(2015) (Short)-Chani Emulsion(2014) Hotel Call Girl 01 £500K The Longest Night(2013) (Short)-Abby, Location Manager Assistant Another Secret(2012) ...
May the Lord Bless you and keep you in His tender loving care always. I appreciate you. Reply Kelly Williams March 1, 2024 at 11:06 am Hi Abigail! I loved Bread of Life! I read it twice through primarily in the night as I was going through cancer. When I first received it as...
1Biography 1.1Surname Wybourne/Wilbourne/Weybourn, first name Unknown 1.2Marriage & Children 1.3Death 1.4Notes from prior merges 2Sources 3Acknowledgments Biography Abigail (Wilbourne) Brownson was born in Kent, England. Surname Wybourne/Wilbourne/Weybourn, first name Unknown ...