abide in Him. Our first care must be to attain to a state of salvation through union to Christ; our continued care must be to have our salvation advancing and the spiritual life in us increased through daily experience of the power of Christ as the Life. So then the sum of the Christia...
I am talking about people who are willing to deny themselves to serve the purposes of God–about Christians who are willing to share the good news of Jesus Christ, the words of eternal life, and the hope that can only be found in Him, regardless of the cost. I am talking about loving...
Abiding Truth Ministry is a not-for-profit 501c3 under the category of education. Our mission is to Mentor, Teach, and Train children, youth, young women, and families life skills based on the whole truth of God’s word and the freedom they can have in Christ and to encourage believers...
It’s embarrassing for me to confess this need, but I am thankful to John Scherer for this exercise and his own testimony to a similar struggle in his life to assist me in my healing, to be able to really be real, rather than some image that needs its adoration fix. By the way, t...
“Lord, we know that you sent your only begotten Son, Jesus, so that we might not perish but have eternal life. We know this from the Gospel of John, chapter three, Lord. You told us that Christ Was, in the beginning, before the creation of the world, that he Was and Is and alw...