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process for abfunken one in an evacuated cathode ray tube and elektronenstrahlsystemaufbaus and use of the processA method for spot-knocking a CRT comprising interconnecting the lower- voltage gun elements including the heater, the cathode, the control electrode and the screen electrode, and ...
Mass spectra obtained with the disjunctive d.c.-spark in vacuum show considerable improvement in accuracy and reproducibility over the conventional r.f.-spark of the DEMPSTER type. Higher ion currents increase the speed of analysis. A number of mass spectra were produced with a spectroscopic steel...
The relative standard deviations of some determinations which should serve as examples are about 8 %.doi:10.1016/0584-8547(69)80004-2Herbst, K.-H.Mannkopff, R.Elsevier B.V.Spectrochimica Acta Part B Atomic Spectroscopy
Massenspektroskopische Festkrperuntersuchungen verbesserter Reproduzierbarkeit mit dem Gleichstrom-Abreifunken im Vakuum zur lonenerzeugungMass spectra obtained with the disjunctive d.c.-spark in vacuum show considerable improvement in accuracy and reproducibility over the conventional r.f.-spark of ...
The distance (a) between the active surface (28) and the electrode (40) is adjusted according to the measuring value.doi:DE19754887 A1BAILER NORBERTMICHELS FRANK
procedures for the control of a abschneidfunkenstrecke for the production of truncated extracorporeal shockwaveFRANKE,SIEGFRIED
Anomalien der Emission aus hohen Atomtermen des Zn und Pb im abkühlenden FunkenHigh atomic levels of Zn and Pb have been investigated; these show an anomalous effect in the intensity, time-function of the spark discharge. The intensity maxima appear at lower temperatures as was expected. The...