The aim of this review is to throw lights on the etiological causes of this lesion and possible treatment modalities. Overview: Many hypotheses describe the possible etiology of abfraction. Tooth flexure hypothesis is the most accepted one. This hypothesis assumed the occlusal load as the causative...
Quantitative evaluation of dental abfraction and attrition using a swept-source optical coherence tomography system. Gh., "Quantitative evaluation of dental abfraction and attrition using a swept-source optical coherence tomography system," J. Biomed. Opt. 19(2), ......
Dental erosion is a perplexing and frustrating problem. It is defined as the noncarious loss of tooth structure due to chemical dissolution not related to acids produced by dental plaque. It can present as a solitary lesion or involve a significant number of teeth. In certain medical conditions,...
LesionWearFacetNon-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are defined as the loss of dental hard tissue at the cement-enamel junction. Erosion, abrasion, and attrition have been associated with this disorder. Objective: Recently, occlusal stress causing of cervical enamel cracks (abfraction) has been ...
This lesion could be restored by a conventional glass-ionomer cement which has similar elasticity to the dental hard tissue and accompanied by occlusal adjustment.doi:10.14693/JDI.V13I2.323W. WijayantiE. SuprastiwiJournal of Dentistry IndonesiaJournal of Dentistry Indonesia...
AbfractionBruxismOcclusalStressNoncariousCervicalLesionWearFacetNon-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are defined as the loss of dental hard tissue at the cement-enamel junction. Erosion, abrasion, and attrition have been associated with this disorder. Objective: Recently, occlusal stress causing of ...
Over time, the lesion tends to deepen towards the dental pulp, and the dental crown or pulpitis may fracture. Both abrasion and erosion alone cannot fully explain all types of NCCLs. For some lesions, this difference appears to be related to an aetiopathological mechanism defined as abfraction...
The Journal of the American Dental AssociationPiotrowski BT,Gillette WB,Hancock EB.Examining the prevalence and characteristics of abfractionlike cervical lesions in a population of U. S. veterans. The Journal of The American Dental Association . 2001...
doi:10.1016/, M.A.S.Soares, A.F.Consolmagno, E.C.Bim-Júnior, O.Rodrigues, R.F.Falc?o, M.S.A.Honório, H.M.Ishikiriama, S.K.Wang, L.Elsevier LtdDental Materials