ABF regional commander Craig Palmer said the record detection would have a significant impact on the drug supply in the state of Victoria. Massive seizure of crystal meth; AUSTRALIA ABF officers held nine Taiwanese citizens who arrived at Brisbane airport on May 11, and six more on Sunday (May...
emphasizing that Chinese community in Australia serve as a bridge and bond for people-to-people exchanges between the two countries and have made positive contributions to Australia’s economic and social development as well as the improve...
Over the years, the Festival has invited many music groups from all over the world, such as the Newstead Trio from America, Thai Traditional Instrumental Trio from Bangkok, The KoKi Trio, Wallsevier Trio from Poland, Waratah String Quartet from ...
Australia n。 澳大利亚 Australian n。 澳大利亚人 Autumn n。秋天;秋季 awake adj。清醒的 away adv。 离开 baby n.婴儿;幼畜 back n.背部;后面adv.回(原处);向后 bad adj。坏的 bag n.书包 ball n。球 bamboo n。竹子 banana n。香蕉 band n.乐队 bang v.猛敲;猛撞;砰砰作响 n。砰砰的声音 bank...
Australia澳大利亚 New York纽约 London伦敦 Sydney悉尼 Moscow莫斯科 Cairo开罗 十五、气象(weather)['weðə] cold寒冷的[kəuld] warm温暖的[wɔ:m] cool凉爽的[ku:l] snowy下雪的['snəui] sunny晴朗的['sʌni] hot炎热的[hɔt] rainy下雨的['reini] windy有风的['windi] cloudy多云的[...
布里斯班希尔顿酒店 (Hilton Brisbane) 5等级(最高为5等级) 190 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia , 布里斯班市中心, 布里斯班, 澳大利亚, 4000 - 查看地图 入住布里斯班希尔顿酒店位于布里斯班市中心。享受空调、Wi-Fi 和豪华洗浴用品等现代舒适设施。探索附近的地标,如皇后街购物中心和安扎克广场。在南...
关于“黛伦堡酒庄布莱维特泉歌海娜红葡萄酒(d'Arenberg The Blewitt Springs Grenache, McLaren Vale, Australia) ”的酒款综述 威廉·格里格·埃文斯(William Greig Evans)对麦克拉伦山谷进行了勘测,发现了许多天然泉水。这款歌海娜红葡萄酒就是为纪念其妻子布莱维特(Blewitt)而命名的。此酒刚开始时花香略显闭塞,并...
Eugenia Victorino joined SEB in 2018 as the Head of Asia Strategy focusing on macro research in the Asia Pacific region. Prior to SEB, Eugenia spent almost 6 years as an Economist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ Bank) in Singapore covering ASEAN and Sout...
kind [ka? nd] n 种类 32.tree [tri? ] n 树 13。Australia [? ’strelj? ] n 澳 33。kill [k? l] v 杀死;弄死 大利亚 34。ivory ['a? v? ri] n 象牙 14.south [sa? θ] adj 南方的 n 南; 35。over [’? ? v? (r)] prep 超过; 南方 多于在…上方 15。Africa ['? fr? k...
一、学习用品(school[sku:l] things)Pen 钢笔[pen]Pencil 铅笔['pens ?l]pencil-case 铅笔盒['pens ?l-keis]ruler 尺子['ru:l ?]book 书[buk] bag 包[b?ɡ] comic book 漫画书['k?mik-buk]post card 明信片[p ?ust-k ɑ:d] newspaper 报纸['nju:s,peip ?, 'nju:z-] schoolbag 书包['...