Synonyms ABC ; ABC-C ; ABC-R ; Aberrant behavior checklist – community ; Aberrant behavior checklist – residential Abbreviations ASD Autism spectrum disorder DD Developmental disability Description The Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) is an informant rating instrument that was empirically derived by ...
PURPOSE: This study aimed to develop a utility index (the ABC-UI) from the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community (ABC-C), for use in quantifying the benefit of emerging treatments for fragile X syndrome (FXS). METHODS: The ABC-C is a proxy-completed assessment of behaviour and is a widely...
Aberrant Behavior Checklist Synonyms ABC ; ABC-C ; ABC-R ; Aberrant behavior checklist – community ; Aberrant behavior checklist – residential Abbreviations ASD Autism spectrum disorder DD Developmental disability Description The Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC... MG Aman - Springer New York 被引量...
求助Aberrant Behavior Checklist,ABC异常行为量表,急用啊!!!儿童孤独症方向的,国内基本没有用的,求...
求助Aberrant Behavior Checklist,ABC异常行为量表,急用啊!!!儿童孤独症方向的,国内基本没有用的,求...
The Aberrant Behavior Checklist and the Behavior Problems Inventory: convergent and divergent validity. Research in Developmental Disabilities. V. 24, p.391-404, 2003.Rojahn, J., Aman, M. G., Matson, J. L., & Mayville, E. (2003). The Aberrant Behavior Checklist and the Behavi...
Aberrant Behavior Checklist - Community. Supplementary Manual. East Aurora, NY: Slosson Ed. Publica- tions; 1994.Aman, M. G., & Singh, N. N. (1994). Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community. (Supplementary Manual). East Aurora, NY: Slosson Educa- tion Publications....
The Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community: factor validity and effect of subject variables for adults in group homes. Am J Ment Retard. 1995; 100 (3):283–92.Aman MG, Burrow WH, Wolford PL: The aberrant behavior checklist-community: factor validity and effect of subject variables ...
The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine differences in Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) subscales between individuals with socially maintained SIB and automatically maintained SIB (ASIB). Overall, there were not significant differences in ABC subscale elevations betwee...
Center for Genetic Disorders of Cognition & Behavior, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USAJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdJournal of Intellectual Disability ResearchJi NY, Capone GT, Kaufmann WE (2011) Autism spectrum disorder...