To return or exchange your merchandise at an Abercrombie & Fitch or Abercrombie kids store, please bring your items and order invoice to a store. Online orders must have been placed in CAD to be returned or exchanged in a store in Canada. Return/Exchange using our online returns and exchange...
据报道,加拿大的一些零售商已经开始在其在线退货政策中增加费用,因为他们难以管理业务退货的成本,这一成本可能高达“数百万”刀,尤其是考虑到通货膨胀、汽油价格和供应链的问题时。Aritzia - 收取$8的退货邮费以及税费,该费用会在退回在线订单时从退款中扣除。Abercrombie & Fitch Canada - 对在线退货收取$7的退货服务...
Abercrombie & Fitch customer service is ranked #778 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 24.59 out of a possible 200 based upon 475 ratings. This score rates Abercrombie & Fitch customer service and customer support as Terrible. ...
产品解决方案(现在称为“企业业务解决方案”)部门很早就采用了 Tableau,并且是卓越中心成员,在 IT 和业务部门之间起到了中间人的作用。他们促进有效沟通,推动 Tableau 的采用和推广,同时与数据科学家合作,通过高级分析将数据转化为业务成效。凭借数据驱动型决策和 Tableau 提供的全面企业解决方案,这种跨群组的合作...
BOSS直聘为您提供2025年北京Abercrombie& Fitch最新招聘信息,1个北京岗位正在直招牛人,北京Abercrombie& Fitch招聘岗位类别有:管培生、Hollister Co. - 门店储备经理,进入网站与Abercrombie& Fitch的Boss在线直接开聊吧!
In depth view into ANF (Abercrombie & Fitch) stock including the latest price, news, dividend history, earnings information and financials.
Fitch Co. Prior to Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Ms. Horowitz served as Brand President at Ann Taylor Loft. For nearly eight years, she worked at Express, Inc., rising to the position of Executive Vice President of Women's Merchandising and Design. She joined Express, Inc. after 13 years in...
• Abercrombie & Fitch Co.被《财富》杂志评为2021年零售行业最佳工作场所 • 我们为您提供各种心理健康资源: 员工帮助计划、headspace、CARORRT和助理资源小组等 • 我们是一个全球规模的团队,会支持你去做真实的自己 • 我们的企业文化是包容、温暖、真诚 ...