abendjclcodes参考资料taperecord S001-4Abend InputfilerecordlengthisnotequaltothelengthstatedintheDDortheFD. Wronglengthrecord. IOerror,damagedtape,devicemalfunction. Withdisk,readingadatasetthatwasallocatedbutneverwrittento. Writingtoinputfile Concatenationoffileswithdifferentrecordlengthsorrecordformats. S001-5Abe...
ABEND codes are listed in numerical order for reference. Table 1. ABEND codes U0001 Detecting CSECT GZDCDIO System Programmer Response Contact technical support for assistance. U0001 Explanation EDTINFO RTNNAMD macro failed. Detecting CSECT
Mainframe JCL User Abend Codes - Causes & Solutions for s0C1, s0C7, sB37, sE37, s002, s522, s613, u0888 etc
ABEND CODES / STATUS CODES JCL | DB2 | CICS | VSAM | IMS ABEND CODE - DISCUSSION FORUM ONLINE MAINFRAME TURORIALS JCL S0CB - Attempting to divide by 0 and not using ON SIZE ERROR S002 - Very large record length/ wrong record length Sx22 - Job has been cancelled. The value of x...
rrrr(the low order 4-digits) is a reason code which identifies the failure or error condition. Unless indicated otherwise, the following items apply to all reason codes: System Action The system might create LOGREC records and might also create an SVC dump. ...
Abend Codes Abend Codes The information below was extracted verbatim from File #134 of the CBT tape. All that has been done was the removal of the TSO HELP control information. The first column contains the System or User Abend Code (Snnn or Unnn). The second column contains a...
CHAPTER 1 ABEND Codes This chapter lists ABEND codes that can be caused by Cisco IOS for S/390. These types of ABENDs can take place in Cisco IOS for S/390: • ABEND – Standard OS User ABENDs • IABEND – ABENDs forced by the ICT on a PTASK • PABEND – Pseudo ABENDs ...
But I found S837 in the page www.geocities.com/***/abends.html#1 S837 - Space problem, Alloted space is not enough for data set Here SB37 is not listed. Please tell me which is right. What is the actual difference between these error codes. I don't know how to search for ...
Alibraryhasrunoutofspaceinitsdirectory. Youhavetobackup,delete,andrestorethelibrarywithIEBCOPY. Adatasetissequential,buttheJCLindicatesthatitisalibrary/PDS. S013-18Abend AlibrarymemberwasspecifiedintheJCLbutwasnotfound. S013-20Abend Theblocksizeisnotamultipleofrecordlength. Checkrecordlengthinprogram,...
Abend Codes The information below was extracted verbatim from File #134 of the CBT tape. All that has been done was the removal of the ISPF control information. The first column contains the System or User Abend Code (Snnn or Unnn). The second column contains a reason code. The third ...