Abelia shrubs add texture to the landscape with their outstanding glossy evergreen foliage. Arching branches carry clusters of slightly fragrant, tubular blooms. The flowers attract butterflies to the garden. Beautiful grouped or massed in a shrub border
大花六道木(Abelia × grandiflora (Andre) Rehd),忍冬科六道木属半常绿矮生灌木。其幼枝为红褐色,有短柔毛;叶片倒卵形为墨绿色,有光泽;花粉钟形为白色;圆锥花序,开花繁茂;花期长,5~11月持续开花。大花六道木 - 华仔74于20240907发布在抖音,已经收获了59个喜欢
Glossy abelia (A. xgrandiflora), the most common garden species, produces shiny semi-evergreen leaves in colder zones, while retaining year-round color in warmer regions. Newer hybrids are bred for unique foliage color, showier flowers and compact sizes more suitable to small urban lots. ...
A new and distinct variety of Abelia×grandiflora plant which possesses a compact growth habit, variegated foliage, fragrant white flowers, reddish-orange pigmentation of the new growth terminals and winter foliage, and attractive reddish-purple immature stems.Pittman, Jerry Brunson...
大花六道木Abelia × grandiflora(Andre)Rehd---六道木(Abeliabiflora)是忍冬科、六道木属植物,原产于我国江西、湖南、湖北、四川等地,是较为珍贵的观赏性花灌木,从半落叶到常绿都有。大花六道木(Abelia×grandiflora)为六道木的矮化品种,目前国内已有引进,但
南京林业大学|风景园林硕士在读 每日更新|整理整理植物学 https://www.iplant.cn/z/frps/72246 (二维码自动识别) 发布于 2023-03-13 10:52・IP 属地江苏 摄影 科普 植物 打开知乎App 在「我的页」右上角打开扫一扫 其他扫码方式:微信 下载知乎App ...
Abelia × grandiflora 'Panache' SILVER ANNIVERSARY Abelia × grandiflora 'Panache' SILVER ANNIVERSARY是忍冬科植物。Abelia × grandiflora 'Panache' SILVER ANNIVERSARY的树高是1-3英尺,树幅是1至3英尺,五月至九月开花,养护成本低。
abelia grandiflora 读音:美英 abelia grandiflora基本解释 大花六道木;大花糯米条 分词解释 abelia六道木(一种落叶的或常青的装饰性六道木属灌木,生长于亚洲和墨西哥,有对生的单叶,开白色、粉色或紫色的小花朵 ) grandiflora大花蔷薇
The information about Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PP16,988 displayed on this web page is based on our research conducted in the nursery's horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We also include observations made about it as it grows in our nursery gardens and other garde...