The Abel prize is a new mathematics prize of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, dedicated to the memory of Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) on the occasion of the bicentenary of his birth. It is modeled after the Nobel Prize, and developed from a proposal by the mathematics ...
你不会免费得到Nobel奖的,并且记住,所有这些将至少要化我们的学生近5年的时间来学习(至少有一个读者对此很惊讶,说他绝不会5年里掌握这些内容;的确我是对那些计划化大多数他们的时间在这个学习上的人说的,并且确实,一些没有开发的智力假定是存在的)。 基础数学 。你对数字熟悉吗?加、减、乘、除、开方、等等?
In non-gravitational physics the approach to quantum theory that has proved most successful involves mathematical objects known as path integrals. Path integrals were introduced by the Nobel prizewinner Richard Feynman, of CalTech. In the path integral approach, the probability that a system in an ...
Robert Langlands, who developed one of the most original insights of 20th-century mathematics, was named the winner of the 2018 Abel Prize at a ceremony in Norway this morning. The prize, which is modelled on the Nobel, is one of the highest honours in mathematics. Langlands, 81, an emeri...
the section on evolution equations, above), the result is the Wheeler-deWitt equation (an analogue of the Schrödinger equation) which, regrettably, turns out to be ill-defined. However, with the introduction of what are now known as Ashtekar variables, this leads to a promising model known...
The bare-bones action which generates the electron field’s Dirac equation is The global symmetry for this system is The gauge group here is U(1), just the phase angle of the field, with a constant θ. "Local"ising this symmetry implies the replacement of θ by θ(x). An ...
(For the latter observation, see the 1993 Physics Nobel Prize presentation speech by Carl Nordling .) In general relativity, mass and energy are treated in a purely classical manner, where ‘classical’ means that physical quantities such as the strengths and directions of various fields and ...
Robert Langlands, who developed one of the most original insights of 20th-century mathematics, was named the winner of the 2018 Abel Prize at a ceremony in Norway this morning. The prize, which is modelled on the Nobel, is one of the highest honours in mathematics. Langlands, 81, an emeri...