Abdominal x-raywas the firstabdominal imagingmodality, used shortly after Roentgen’s discovery of x-ray in 1895. Unfortunately, x-ray has limited utility in abdominal imaging. The abdomen contains four principal densities: air, fat, water (soft tissues and fluids such as blood), and calcified ...
Welcome to the abdominal x-ray teaching module. We have created 11 videos to take you step-by step through the interpretation of abdominal x-rays. Videos can be watched in any order but we would recommend starting with “AXR introduction” and “AXR system for interpretation”. After ...
Abdominal X-rays (AXRs) were a key part of investigating acute abdominal pain prior to the advent of CT imaging. With increasing reliance on CT scanning, the utilisation and therefore reliance on the interpretation of AXRs has reduced. We investigate the concordance rates of interpretations of ...
Asimpleguidetointerpretationisshownasfollows:1.DarkShadows2.WhiteShadows3.GreyShadows4.BrightwhiteShadows BLACKSHADOWES ‘BLACKSHADOWS’=GASSES •Intra-luminalgascanbenormal.•Extra-luminalgasisabnormal.•However,intra-luminalgascanbeabnormalifitisinthewrongplaceoriftoomuchisseen.•Themaximumnormaldiameter...
Abdominal CT: peptic ulcer perforation. The pattern of fluid, air, and inflammation help to locate the source of perforation.
The follow-up study result was compared to the abdominal x-ray (AXR) interpretation. Furthermore, to ensure access to further imaging (day vs on-call hours) was not a confounding variable, the time of the AXR request was recorded. RESULTS Interpretation of the AXR was normal in 34%, ...
A detailed, pattern-based approach to abdominal imaging interpretation Diagnostic Abdominal Imaging provides a comprehensive review of abdominal diseases based onpattern recognition. Utilizing more than 2,300 images, the book includes discussions of the x-ray, sonographic, CT, MRI, and nuclear radiology...
Asimpleguidetointerpretationisshownasfollows:1.DarkShadows2.WhiteShadows3.GreyShadows4.BrightwhiteShadows BLACKSHADOWES ‘BLACKSHADOWS'=GASSES ?Intra-luminalgascanbenormal.?Extra-luminalgasisabnormal.?However,intra-luminalgascanbeabnormalifitis inthewrongplaceoriftoomuchisseen.?Themaximumnormaldiameterofthe...
Given the physics of sound waves there are certain limitations totechnology. An adequate study can be difficult to obtain in the obese patient. Furthermore, an abdomen full of bowel gas or free air may obscure the structures behind because gas is to ultrasound as metal is to x-ray films. ...
Cadogan M.AXR Interpretation. CCC Nickson C.Abdominal X-ray and CT. CCC Top 100 CT scan quiz. LITFL Radiology Library: Abdominal CT: Imaging important abdominal structures Hartung MP.Abdominal CT: acute appendicitis Hartung MP.Abdominal CT: diverticulitis ...