and four underwent a midtrimester abortion by abdominal hysterotomy.The majority of patients manifested symptoms 1 year after the operation.The most common was a painful mass of scar tissue that became swollen and tender during menstruation.The pathogenesis,diagnosis and treatment are discussed.In ...
During the normal healing process, scar tissues could form, causing abdominal adhesions.Congenital AdhesionsAbdominal adhesions can also be present at birth. People who are genetically predisposed to scarring can have congenital adhesions.Symptoms of Abdominal Adhesions...
An abdominal adhesion is a band of scar tissue that forms inside the abdomen as part of the normal healing process after surgery, infection, bleeding, or endometriosis involving the abdominal or pelvic cavity. You can think of an adhesion as you would scar tissue that remains on the skin afte...
It is quite possible that Depo is causing the bleeding. Hormones can cause such symptoms. I suppose you had a blood test at the clinic...if so, it would reveal if you had some kind of an infection and an ultrasound would have showed if there were other things that could be causing bl...
Wounds are characterized by three basic local symptoms: (1) separation of the edges of the wound, which varies with the extent, depth, and location of the wound, (2) pain, and (3) bleeding; the last two result from injury to nerves and blood vessels. In addition to causing anatomical ...
When symptoms persist or where risk of irreversible injury exists, steps need to be taken to clear intravascular air. Effective therapeutic adjuncts include positional maneuvers, massaging, aspiration of the air pocket using an end-hole catheter, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and heparinization to prevent...
My Recovery From Laparoscopic Colectomy Surgery Arthroscopic Hip Surgery and Recovery: My Story Six Months After My Bunion Surgery: Recovery & Coping Strategies Tips for a Successful Total Knee Replacement Surgery My Septoplasty Surgery Experience and the Road to Recovery...
making them dense and sticky, and causing them to adhere to the abdominal wall, or to visceral organs — a condition sometimes referred to as “frozen abdomen.” While many patients with abdominal adhesions remain symptom-free, some may develop abdominal pain and other serious symptoms that requi...
Diagnosis of ACS can be challenging as patients are often extremely ill, are intubated, and may not be able to express pain. In addition, signs and symptoms may be misinterpreted as being part of or related to the patient’s primary condition or related to those of shock. The diagnosis of...
Endometriosis is characterized by the presence of an ectopic endometrial tissue. It affects between 1% and 5% of women in reproductive age. Its main clinical symptoms are dysmenorrhoea and infertility. Among women having had abdominal surgery for any gynecological reason, the prevalence of endometrios...