Excessive gas (flatulence), frequent burping (eructation), and abdominal rumbling (borborygmi) are some of the other bloating-related symptoms that may be present in some patients. In a US household survey, 16% of the population reported having bloating or distension, and three quarters of ...
Excessivegas(flatulence),frequentburping(eructation),andabdominalrumbling(borborygmi)are someoftheotherbloating-relatedsymptomsthatmaybepresentinsomepatients.InaUS householdsurvey,16%ofthepopulationreportedhavingbloatingordistension,andthreequarters ofthemfoundittobemoderatetosevere.Almosthalf(43%)reportedusingamedic...
This medicine is prepared from dried bark of plant Cinchona Officinalis also called peruvian bark. It belongs to the family rubiaceae. China works very well in cases of abdomen pain that arises from obstructed gas. There is great accumulation of gas with a distended abdomen. There is rumbling a...
This medicine is recommended for cases having sudden gushing stool which is passed immediately after eating or drinking anything. The stool is shot out of rectum in a gush and excessive gas passes with it. The stool is offensive, green or yellow and may have whitish flakes in it. Nausea and...