Postmortem radiographCanine cadaversAbdomenPostmortem radiographic examinations of animals are often performed in judicial investigation to rule out gunshot and fractures due to cruelty or illegal hunting or poaching activities. Literature describing postmortem changes seen on radiographs of animals is rarely ...
radiograph. A horizontal beam radiograph with the animal in left lateral recumbency and focused at the least dependent area can increase the sensitivity for identifying free gas in the peritoneal space. A large volume of free gas in the peritoneum often is associated with pneumocystography of a ...
doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2009.07.016PostmortemradiographCaninecadaversAbdomenPostmortem radiographic examinations of animals are often performed in judicial investigation to rule out gunshot and fractures due to cruelty or illegal hunting or poaching activities. Literature describing postmortem changes seen on ...
A 10-year-old male maltise dog was presented for evaluation of a gradual abdominal enlargement, which had developed over 2 years. (On the radiograph of the abdomen, a significant distention of the abdomen with a large accumulation of fat could be seen.) The mass effect was noticeable ...