Abdominal pain during pregnancy. Gastroen- terol Clin North Am 1998;27:1-36.Mayer IE, Hussain H. Abdominal pain during pregnancy. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 1998;27:1-36.Mayer IE,Hussain H.Abdominal pain during pregnancy.Gastroenterology Clinics of North America. 1998...
1)abdominal pain during pregnancy妊娠腹痛 2)abdominal pregnancy腹腔妊娠 1.Ultrasonic analysis of abdominal pregnancy;腹腔妊娠的超声诊断分析 2.Two-dimensional ultrasonography diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy;5例腹腔妊娠二维超声诊断分析 3.A clinical analysis of 54 cases of abdominal pregnancy;腹腔妊娠54例临...
abdominal pain during pregnancy (又称胞阻。)是指妇女怀孕后出现小腹疼痛的。古人认为妊娠腹痛多因胞脉阻滞所致,因此又称为“胞阻”。本病的发生多由于:①气郁:其疼痛为胀满作痛,牵及两胁,性急易怒,嗳气频作,嗳后较适,食欲不振,舌苔白稍腻,脉弦滑。治宜舒肝理气。可服用逍遥散加苏梗、陈皮;②血虚:小腹隐隐...
The pregnant patient with abdominal pain presents unique challenges to the physician. First, the diagnosis of pregnancy may not be established or suspected at the time of patient presentation. Second, the anatomic and physiologic changes that normally occur during pregnancy alter the physical findings ...
Abdominal pain during pregnancy can also be a sign of something serious that requires immediate medical attention, including: Ectopic pregnancy.This occurs when a fertilized egg does not implant in your uterus but in a fallopian tube or elsewhere. It’s uncommon, but when it happens, it can ca...
abdominal pain during pregnancy 专业释义 <中医>妊娠腹痛 大家的讨论 中医常见词汇中英对照(4) 术语表:舌 tongue\HALT \NOUN舌 lingual舌下 below the tongue舌下 sublingual舌下络脉 sublingual network vessels舌上出血 bleeding from the upper surface of the tongue舌上有苔 fur on the tongue舌上有瘀斑 stasis...
Some women experience abdominal pain duringpregnancy. Abdominal pain can be acute or chronic and include sharp pain as well as dull pain. The location of the abdominal pain may be in the upper right or left side (quadrant), lower right or left side, and upper, middle, and lower. ...
Melissa_203944over a year ago for one if it was an ectopic pregnancy,you would definetly know by now. It would have already ruptured and you would know it. I'm not sure what that is but you do need to get it checked out because severe pain during pregnnacy is not a good thing. ...
Evaluating the pregnant patient with abdominal pain has inherent challenges, and even the experienced clinician must be wary. Be sure you can safely rule the most worrisome diagnoses in or out.
A healthy 29-year-old pregnant woman, with 34 weeks’ gestational age, presented to the emergency department with diffused acute abdominal pain and vomiting. The pain was located in the periumbilical region and intensified within a few hours. The patient felt normal fetal movement...