The diary Children were asked to fill in an abdominal pain diary during 2 weeks from the moment of inclusion and at 3, 6, 9 and12 months follow-up. In this diary they reported their mood, change in daily activities due to abdominal pain, use of medication due to abdominal pain, use ...
Chronic pain is a significant problem in the pediatric population [1]. One of the more common chronic pain syndromes in children is recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) thought to affect 10–30% of all school-aged children [2–5]. RAP is characterized by the recurrence of a minimum of three ep...
P0841 ACCURACY OF A 2WEEK DIARY TO DIAGNOSE RECURRENT ABDOMINAL PAINAn abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1097/00005176-200406001-00965G. OderdaI. StasiB. RaselliM. BinottiP. GuidaliJournal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition
which is a risk factor for tick bites. The Lone Star tick, prevalent in most of the eastern United States as well as the mid-Atlantic and the Midwest, is a known carrier. After completing a food diary, the patient realized that his symptoms probably occurred 3 hours after ...
Children reported the numbers of days with pain, the pain intensity, and missed activities due to abdominal pain using a daily pain diary collected at baseline and during the intervention. Monthly phone calls to the children reported the number of days with pain and the number of days of ...
pediatric care group without cognitive therapy. Clearly, the percentage of pain-free children as assessed by a diary and by families was higher in the cognitive behavior therapy group both at a 6 month and at a 12 month evaluation.18Hypnotherapy or guided imagery is another therapeutic ...
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional abdominal pain (syndrome) (FAP(S)) are common pediatric disorders, characterized by chronic or recurrent abdominal pain. Treatment is challenging, especially in children with persisting symptoms. Gut-directed hypnotherapy (HT) performed by a therapist has ...
Conducting the Urodynamic Study Bladder Filling and Storage: “(Coarse) Sensation” Special Considerations in the Pediatric Patient The Normal Study Bladder Emptying: Contractility Bladder Emptying: Coordination of Bladder and Sphincters Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel Join Jun ...
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and NutritionKorterink JJ, Ockeloen LE, Hilbink M, Benninga MA, Deckers- Kocken JM. Yoga therapy for abdominal pain-related functional gastrointestinal disorders in children: a randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2016;63:481-7....
primary care, and whether child or parent report of pain characteristics, and/or child and mother's psychological characteristics differed between those who did/did not use CAM. We identified children 7-10 years of age with FAP or IBS using Pediatric Rome II criteria. Children were managed ...