Flow chart of the selection of study patients before and after PSM. PSM, propensity score matching Full size image Primary endpoints before and after PSM Before and after PSM adjustment, a comparison was made between the remission rates of abdominal distension 24 h after operation in both groups...
Simple Summary: The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, that primarily act via the inhibition of COX isomers, is one of the most common therapeutic means to control abdominal pain in horses. However, these drugs can elicit gastrointestinal side effects. Drugs that are m...
Potential controls were identified by retrospective chart review of all adult PRG procedures performed at the same center in the nine months prior to the first PUG insertion. The same inclusion and exclusion criteria used for the PUG group were applied to the retrospectively identified cohort receivin...
Post cesarean section abdominal distention may not be a serious complication but occurs frequently. It makes patients uncomfortable and affects their quality of life. Currently, there is no agent that proved to be effective in preventing this symptom2. Aside from early ambulation, antiflatulent and ...
Consort flow chart Full size image Descriptive statistics will be used to summarise and compare the quantitative outcome measures to include (1) complication rates: failed insertion, drain leakage or blockage, cellulitis, bleeding, pain at site of insertion not controlled by analgesia, peritonitis, se...
To determine the thickness of the abdomen when a technique chart is used, the measurement should be made at the point of greatest depth, usually over the caudal rib cage. The actual exposure should be made during the expiratory pause. A grid should be used for animals when the abdomen has...
The corresponding flow chart for the Abdominal Massage for Bowel Dysfunction Effectiveness Research (AMBER) trial is shown in Fig. 1, and the schedule of enrolment, interventions and assessments is provided in Fig. 2. Fig. 1 AMBER participant pathway Full size image Fig. 2 Schedule of ...
3 M 59 Salmonella choleraesuis Fever, abdominal pain ESRD HD, thrombocytopenia 5 cm Patch repair; no bypass; CPB (-) Alive None Died 48 months colon cancer 4 M 86 Salmonella enteritidis Fever, abdominal pain DM, HT 5 cm None Died aneurysm rupture 5 F 85 Streptococcus Group F Fever, ab...
abdominal painemergency medicinemagnetic resonance imagingmultidetector computed tomographyBackground Computed tomography (CT) is commonly used in the Emergency Department (ED) to evaluate patients with abdominal pain, but exposes them to ionizing radiation, a possible carcinogen. MRI does not utilize ...
chronic upper abdominal paindiagnosisGoals: To explore the utility of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in the evaluation of chronic upper abdominal pain (UAP) of undetermined etiology.Thompson, Michelle B.Ramirez, Jonathan C.De La Rosa, Lisa M.Wood, Adam S.Desai, ShivArjunan, AnanthSong, Juhee...