1.腹痛部位Location2.腹痛程度Intensity3.腹痛性质Quality4.发作时间Onset5.放射痛Radiation6.缓解及加重因素AA7.伴随病症Associatedsymptoms Location〔疼痛部位,胃肠道〕Stomach,duodenumSmallbowel,proximal halfcolonDistalhalfcolon Intensity〔疼痛程度〕Ulcer IntestinalColic BiliaryColic,Pancreatic Quality〔疼痛性质〕剧烈的...
Abdominal pain symptoms are associated with anxiety and depression in young children[J] . Alexander Gontard,Anne‐Michaela Moritz,Sigrid Thome‐Granz,Monika Equit.Acta Paediatr . 2015 (11)von Gontard, A., Moritz, A. M., Thome-Granz, S., & Equit, M. (2015). Abdominal pain symptoms are ...
Abdominal-Pain(腹痛)Associated symptoms伴随(bn su)病症 腹痛伴发热、寒战:腹痛 10、伴发热、寒战:炎症存在炎症存在(cnzi) 腹痛伴黄疸:腹痛伴黄疸:肝胆胰疾病肝胆胰疾病 腹痛伴呕吐:腹痛伴呕吐:胃肠道梗阻胃肠道梗阻 腹痛伴腹泻:腹痛伴腹泻:肠道炎症、肿瘤肠道炎症、肿瘤 腹痛伴休克:腹痛伴休克:腹腔脏器破裂、重症...
Symptoms You may feel pressure in your upper abdomen, especially when the upper abdominal pain associated with heartburn, belching, chest pain and nausea. Causes Hiatal hernia Suggestions Make an appointment with your family doctor. If you've been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and are experie...
Lower abdominal painmay be due to the following conditions and include additional symptoms:75 Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA): Deep, sudden, severe pain that may radiate to the back Appendicitis:Sudden, severe, sharp pain around the belly button that typically moves to the lower right abdomen tha...
Abdominal Pain 腹痛 Abdominal pain definition and facts腹痛的定义和事实 Abdominal (belly) pain is pain or discomfort that is felt in the part of the trunk below the ribs and above the pelvis. 腹痛是指肋骨下方和骨盆上方的躯干部分感到的疼痛或不适。
1、腹痛 2021/7/19 星期一腹痛腹痛(abodominal pain) 是临床上极其常见的症状,也是促使病人就诊的重要原因。 对腹痛的部位、程度、性质、时间、放射痛、诱发和缓解因素以及伴随症状的掌握对诊断及治疗是至关重要的。2021/7/19 星期一腹痛腹痛(abdominal pain) 多数由腹部脏器疾病所引起,但某些腹腔外来疾病及全身...
Abdominal pain can be caused by a variety of problems. Learn the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, medications, complications, and prevention of abdominal pain.
Location (6) Does the pain go anywhere?Radiating pain (7) Does anything help alleviate the pain? Relief (8)Are the 20、re other complaints? Associated symptoms The girl is a 4 yr 8 mo old with a 9 day h/o runny nose, 5 days of vomiting, fever, abdominal pain and back pain who ...
•Associatedsymptoms •Physicalexamination:necklymphnodeschestexaminationabdominalexamination•Laboratorycheckup:sputum,stool,urineSerumX-rayfilmUltra-sound Clinicalcharacteristics Thefollowingareimportant:•severity•duration•frequency•specialtimeofoccurrence 10QuestionsonPain •••••SiteReferral...