专家认为,与传统的Inconel镍铬基高温合金相比,ABD-900AM可以延长零件寿命并在高温条件下实现无裂纹AM,而Inconel718等其他材料则不可行。实际上,ABD-900AM是第一种专为无裂纹制造而设计的高性能镍合金,可在关键应用中生产复杂的高温零件,并非常适用于涡轮机械零件,包括活塞,燃烧室,叶片等。 针对高蠕变和拉伸强度进行了...
The heat treatment response of the new superalloy ABD-900AM, designed specifically for additive manufacturingAdditive manufacturing (AM), is studied. The as-fabricated microstructure is characterised at multiple length-scales including by X-ray synchrotron diffractometry and transmission Kikuchi diffraction ...
商品类型 冶金钢材 、 卷材 、 涂镀卷材 商品关键词 马钢彩涂板、 正面自洁HPC、 900压型板、 镀锌AM100g、 914mm展宽 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: 马钢彩涂板 是否支持加工定制: 是 计重方式: 钢厂净重 是否可定制: 可定制 发货周期: 现货在库 厚度: 0.35mm-2.0mm可选 参数三: 镀锌AM100...
which eliminates crack formation during additive manufacturing processes as well as optimized fatigue crack performance.This thesis aims to characterize the mechanical properties of ABD-900AM manufactured using the LPBF AM process to verify the effectiveness of the alloy and understand the optimization to...