可以通过generator.send(arg)来传入参数,这是协程模型。 可以通过generator.throw(exception)来传入一个异常。throw语句会消耗掉一个yield。可以通过generator.close()来手动关闭生成器。 next()等价于send(None)
// 创建一个新的Java类命名为 LetterGeneratorpublicclassLetterGenerator{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// 调用生成字母的函数generateLetters();}// 创建一个用于生成字母的函数publicstaticvoidgenerateLetters(){// 使用A到D的ASCII码生成字母for(charletter='A';letter<='D';letter++){System.out.print(...
{/***Generator-自定义可迭代对象,即可以支持 iterator 的对象*通过function*定义生成器函数(generatorfunction)*每 next() 一下得到的是 generatorfunction的下一个yield的值*yield的返回值是此yield之后再次 next() 传进来的值*如果 next() 后遇到了return则迭代结束,返回的 value 是return的值,得到的done为true...
}function*generator_a() {yield1;yield*generator_b();return4; }letga =generator_a();console.log(ga.next(), ga.next(), ga.next(), ga.next());// {value: 1, done: false} {value: 2, done: false} {value: 3, done: false} {value: 4, done: true}// 以下为 generator 和 iter...
Solar Tres design uses molten salt instead of oil. Since salt holds more heat longer than oil, it can drive turbine through the night. Concentric rings of mirrors direct sunlight toa tank of molten salt. When the stuff is hot enough, some goes straight to a generator to produce steam, ...
部件名ABCDM-CL-100MHZ 下载ABCDM-CL-100MHZ下载 文件大小4308.69 Kbytes 页4 Pages 制造商ABRACON [Abracon Corporation] 网页https://abracon.com 标志 功能描述LowJitter-OctalClockDistributionModule 类似零件编号 - ABCDM-CL-100MHZ 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 ...
Vg=300*sin(2*pi*50*t); %Generator voltage vector %ABCD Matrix of the RL circuit with an series arc m=Te/Tau; A=[1-Te*R/L -Te/L; 0 1/(1+m)]; B=[Te/L 0; 0 m/(1+m)]; %State vector initialization X=zeros(2,N); ...
Solar Tres design uses molten salt instead of oil. Since salt holds more heat longer than oil, it can drive turbine through the night. Concentric rings of mirrors direct sunlight toa tank of molten salt. When the stuff is hot enough, some goes straight to a generator to produce steam, ...
Color schemes generator for #99abcdIn color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in design.#99abcd #cdbb99 Complementary #cda199 #99abcd #c5cd99 Split-complementary #abcd99 #99abcd #cd99ab Triadic #99cda1 #99abcd #cd99c5 Clash ...
Color schemes generator for #34abcdIn color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in design.#34abcd #cd5634 Complementary #cd345e #34abcd #cda334 Split-complementary #abcd34 #34abcd #cd34ab Triadic #5ecd34 #34abcd #a334cd Clash ...