Individuals of East Asian (e.g., Chinese, Korean and Japanese) and Native American descent have a form of the ABCC11 gene that codes both for dry-type earwax and also for reduced underarm body odor relative to individuals of other ethnicities, who typically produce a wet-type ear wax and...
Axillary Osmidrosis (AO) is known as a chronic skin condition characterized by strong body odor from the armpits resulting from excessive secretions of apocrine glands in the axilla that are converted to odoriferous compounds by bacteria. The symptoms of AO generally develop around puberty and tend...
Martin A, Saathoff M, Kuhn F, Max H, Terstegen L, Natsch A: A functional ABCC11 allele is essential in the biochemical formation of human axillary odor. J Invest Dermatol 2009, 130(2):529–40. Article PubMed Google Scholar Toyoda Y, Sakurai A, Mitani Y, Nakashima M, Yoshiura K,...