The show's announcers were Jack Clark and Lee Vines on CBS and John Harlan on ABC. Two revivals later aired on NBC from 1979 to 1982 and 1984 to 1989, followed by a prime time version on CBS from 2008 to 2009. In 2013, TV Guide ranked it #8 in its list of the 60 greatest ...
with regional games handled by 13 other units often including locally based play-by-play announcers and analysts. Each region will see both the “local” game, and when action heats up elsewhere,
McMahon said organizers of the struggling league have mademistakes, and that one of the biggest "was our selection ofannouncers. We need football announcers, not WWF announcers." Ventura, a former professional wrestler, gained fame as acommentator for McMahon's World Wrestling Federation. The XFL'...
Silver would like Knicks fans to understand that Dolan suffers as horribly as they do. "I can't imagine any owner who's lost more sleep over the last two decades regarding a sports team than Jim has," Silver says. Everyone close to Jim swears the same thing. The men who run his thre...
Monday Night Footballannouncers (from left) Don Meredith, Howard Cosell, and Frank Gifford, c. 1971. (more) American television program Written by Fred Frommer Fred Frommer is a sports historian, author, and writer who has written for a host of national publications. ...