The order also prohibits nonresidents from driving through Dare County to access the neighboring Outer Banks regions of Currituck County (Corolla), Hyde County (Ocracoke Island) and Tyrrell County. Reentry permits from previous years, such as ones issued during hurricanes, are not valid,...
privateclubsinNorthCarolina.Myletterremindedthemofthelawsandregulationsgoverningtheirbusinessesand putthemonnoticethatincidentsofviolencewillnotbetoleratedbytheABCCommission.TheABCCommission alsohasincreasedfinesforviolationsandextendedtheperiodoftimebusinessesreceivingnewpermitsremain ...
Use of these cookies, which may be stored on your device, permits us to improve and customize your experience. You can read more about your cookie choices at our privacy policy here. By continuing to use this site you are consenting to these choices. I ACCEPT I DO NOT ACCEPT...
There are currently 686,348 active enhanced handgun carry permit holders in the state, according to the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, which issues the permits. A spokesperson for the department declined to comment about the proposed legislation. Although the legislation doesn't...
The question how proteins fold is especially pointed for large multi-domain, multi-spanning membrane proteins with complex topologies. We have uncovered th
This is an Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Reprints and ...
In a new study released this week by the foundation, AAA took an unprecedented look for four months at parents and teenagers as they hit the road during driving lessons. The study included 50 North Carolina families with teenagers driving withlearners permits. Dashboard cameras were attached to ...
She cites Safari Club International, whose president, Larry Rudolph, claims that $200 million from hunting fees and government permits goes back into rural African communities every year. Francis asked, “Hunters bring in $200 million per year to the economy… If we eliminate hunting... how ...