But when disaster strikes, he jets off in search of the animal that will help him put things right. It could be a blue whale, a bottlenose dolphin or a sarcastic fringehead! ABC News QLD Season 1 News from where we live. ABC News Queensland brings you the day's top stories, ...
…A huge paradoxical aspect of this is that generally, environmentalists are loudly insistent on maintaining or restoring natural ecosystems. Yet; despite opposition from such popularists, vested interests and politicians, the AEF stands out for doing just that; in wanting to restore the Murray E...
New Owners Lead in a Brighter Future at ABCByline: Clementine NortonNews Mail Bundaberg Qld
D: Linux News (electronic magazine, now dead), founder and former editor D: Meta-FAQ, originator, former maintainer D: INFO-SHEET, former maintainer D: Author of the longest-living linux bug N: Jonathan Woithe E: jwoithe@just42.net W: http:/www.just42.net/jwoithe D: ALS...
No Local Bidders for ABC CentresHOPES of local bidders for two ABC Learning Centres in Bundaberg east and Bargara fell flat yesterday, with both known candidates saying they had pulled out of the running.News Mail Bundaberg Qld
Bright Future for Childcare; New Owners Taking Charge of Former ABC Learning CentresByline: Clementine NortonNews Mail Bundaberg Qld
{Bail-Out a Lifeline for ABC Centres } {Mixed Response as Learning Centre Crisis Hits Home }A GOVERNMENT bail-out will keep all four of Bundaberg's ABC Learning Centres open until at least the end of March, but it has been met with a mixed response.News Mail Bundaberg Qld...