The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. You are the famous private detective Hercule Poirot and, once again, you find yourself up against a mysterious serial killer who goes by the name o
The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. You are the famous private detective Hercule Poirot and, once again, you find yourself up against a mysterious serial killer who goes by the name of &q
The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel.
可離線遊玩 1名玩家 中度暴力 分級 Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders (英文, 日文) 全球玩家的評分 1427個評分 45% 25% 16% 7% 7% 遊戲和法律資訊 武器就是你的知識,你的智慧將接受終極考驗! 《ABC 謀殺案》是一款改編自阿嘉莎·克莉絲蒂經典小說的冒險推理遊戲。在這款謎團重重的第三人稱視角冒險遊戲中...
The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person perspective adventure game packed with mysteries. Once again, the private detective will find himself up against a mysterious opponent ...
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders(阿加莎·克里斯蒂:《ABC 谋杀案》)电影式无解说游戏实况,案件流程及现场还原共计7条视频,包括:The ABC Murders: A、The ABC Murders: B、The ABC Murders: C等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders PC/PS4/XboxOne/ 专业评测6.8分 来自Fami通 类型:冒险解谜 悬疑 推理 Microids、Artefacts Studios制作的《ABC谋杀案》,是一款根据阿加莎·克里斯蒂的推理小说改编的,点选式冒险游戏。玩家将要扮演虚构的比利时侦探波洛,去侦破一个根据字母表来实施犯罪的案件,玩家需要搜集证据,与证...
【大喵游戏】PS4上的烧脑解谜游戏 阿加莎克里斯蒂 ABC杀人事件(Agatha Christie The ABC Murders) 中文实况解说 2P 6541 4 01:16:09 App 【大喵游戏】PS4上的烧脑解谜游戏 阿加莎克里斯蒂 ABC杀人事件(Agatha Christie The ABC Murders) 中文实况解说 1394 3 01:10:55 App 【大喵游戏】PS4上的烧脑解谜...
iPad Description Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders Your weapon is your knowledge. Your wits will be put to the ultimate test! The ABC Murders is an adventure and investigation game adapted from the classic Agatha Christie novel. The player embodies the famous Hercule Poirot in a 3rd person persp...
阿嘉莎 克莉丝蒂:ABC谋杀案 Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders PC / NDS / 类型:冒险解谜 悬疑 推理 文字 这是一款侦探型破案AVG。需要你和Hercule Poirot调查一起神秘的谋杀案。你将不得不检查犯罪现场并询问嫌疑人。游戏支持很多模式,您可以在调查书中记录笔记,这样就不会失去研究的主线。 发售信息 开...