ABC库存分类管理(ABC inventory classification management)是一种以分类管理方式管理库存的重要管理方法,它根据库存项目的重要性及其消耗量的大小,将其分为A、B、C三类,并分别采取不同的管理方法,使库存的管理更加全面系统。 ABC库存分类管理的基本原理是根据库存消耗的重要性和消耗量的大小进行分类管理,库存消耗重要性...
网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 地图 更多 abc-inventory-classification 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Mine's Material Management Based on ABC Inventory Classification 基于库存ABC分类法的矿山物料管理© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
Use ABC inventory classification and forecasting to evaluate the profitability and importance of each item. Use the information when you set up inventory, coverage code, coverage period, and whether to use a minimum and/or maximum on-hand inventory when scheduling....
1) ABC inventory classification 库存ABC分类法 1. Aiming at the typical problems of inventory management in mine enterprises,materials are classified byABC inventory classificationto distinguish between primary and secondary materials. 针对矿山企业库存管理中存在的问题,采用库存ABC分类法将物料进行分类,从而分...
(2012). ABC Classification: Service Levels and Inventory Costs. Production and Operations Management, 19(3).Teunter, R. H., Babai, M. Z., & Syntetos, A. A. (2010), "ABC classification: service levels and inventory costs", Production and Operations and Management, vol. 19, no. 3, ...
ABC Inventory Classification ABCClassification I.WhatIsABCClassification?Groupitemsaccordingtoannualsalesvolume,inanattempttoidentifythesmallnumberofitemsthatwillaccountformostofthesalesvolumeandthatarethemostimportantonestocontrolforeffectiveinventorymanagement.ExampleofABCclassification %ofSKUsRevenuepercent A5%-15% 70...
In most of the organizations inventory is categorized according to ABC Classification method, which is based on pareto principle. The article discusses about the advantages and disadvantages of ABC Classification.
aABC inventory classification method is also known as key management. PIP is the corporate inventory is divided into classes a, b and c, the inventory items according to how much variety and diversion of funds into a very important item (a class), as important material (category b) and less...
Direct-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing 直接增减库存法Dispatch List 派工单 DOL (Degree of operating leverage) 经营杠杆系数 ELS (Economic lot size) 经济批量 EOQ (Economic order quantity) 经济订货批量 FIFO (Fist-in,Fist-out) 先进先出法 Firm Planned Order 确认计划订单 FISH/LIFO (Fist-in,St...
1. ABC class-based storage paten and the corresponding routing policy in distribution cner; 配送中心ABC分类存储模式与拣货路径策略选择2) ABC inventory classification 库存ABC分类法 1. Aiming at the typical problems of inventory management in mine enterprises,materials are classified by ABC inventory...