Search 1,128 remedies in the store, 65,253 remedy finder symptoms, 937,327 materia medica entries and 617,550 forum posts in 73,349 topics. If you're just getting started with homeopathy, our articles and tools will get you up to speed in no time. If you're an experienced homeopath,...
i About Homeopathics💬 Homeopathy Forum✚ Remedy Finder App Remedy Store closed Give Feedback Homeopathic Remedies: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Combinations KitsHomeopathic Remedy Store Lilium Tigrinum most popular Potencies30C200C6C Lilium Tigrinum ...
i About Homeopathics💬 Homeopathy Forum✚ Remedy Finder App Remedy Store closed Give Feedback Homeopathic Remedies: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Combinations KitsHomeopathic Remedy Store Thuja Occidentalis most popular Potencies30C200C6C Thuja Occidentali...
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Aconite intraditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA. Buy Aconitum Napellus ▲GENERAL General A state of fear, anxiety; anguish of mind and body.Physical and mental restlessness,fright, is the most characteristic ...
A remedy for hysteria and nervous paroxysms , Fainting fits and convulsions, catalepsy, etc. The characteristic condition begin worse by cold; there is great sensitiveness to air. Much nervous trembling and frequent fainting. Great flatulence. Diseases do not follow a normal course. Coldness. Tensi...
i About Homeopathics💬 Homeopathy Forum✚ Remedy Finder App Remedy Store closed Give Feedback Homeopathic Remedies: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Combinations KitsHomeopathic Remedy Store Lac Caninum most popular Potencies30C200C1M Lac Caninum ...
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Sluggish functions, heaviness, numbness, and staggering, and the characteristic constipation find an excellent remedy in Alumina. Disposition to colds in the head, and eructations in spare, dry, thin subjects. Delicate children, products of artificial baby foods.≡ show all authors ......
i About Homeopathics💬 Homeopathy Forum✚ Remedy Finder App Remedy Store closed Give Feedback Homeopathic Remedies: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Combinations KitsHomeopathic Remedy Store Carbo Vegetabilis most popular Potencies30C200C6C Carbo Vegetabili...
i About Homeopathics💬 Homeopathy Forum✚ Remedy Finder App Remedy Store closed Give Feedback Homeopathic Remedies: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Combinations KitsHomeopathic Remedy Store Baptisia Tinctoria most popular Potencies30C200C6C Baptisia Tinctori...