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We can't move this nation FORWARD, but will go backwards when you have such events from Joe Wilsos, Kanye West, serena Williams and Countless events based upon race as the MEANs to and END of settlement.. if AMerica doesn't get it together when it comes to race relations NOW.. we ...
For 11 days this summer, ABC News and ABC stations across the country examined each and every shooting in America in an effort to gauge the pervasiveness of gun violence. The goal was to look beyond the mass shootings to take a deeper look at the toll of everyday gun violence in each ...
Janis Shinwari, what does that mean for those left behind, particularly those interpreters, translators, others, who helped America during this war? SHINWARI: All right. As we said before, it's only too late if we do not evacuate all those interpreters who are left behind. And the Taliban...
STEPHANOPOULOS: America debates this critical question: (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, NIAID DIRECTOR: How many deaths and how much suffering are you willing to accept to get back to some form of normality? (END VIDEO CLIP) STEPHANOPOULOS: Our guests this morning, White House economic...