福G1.2N1.0N1.ON0.9N0.5N -块水水水盐水白A BC DE(1)由以上实验可知:物块的重力大小为N。C2)分析图ABC的实验数据可知:浮力的大小与0有关。3)为了探究浮力大小与物体浸没在液体中深度的关系,可选用两图进行N,物块的体积是m3。)当物块浸没在水中时,受到的浮力是利用图中实验数据,计算出盐水的密度是kg/...
产品名称:ABCC2微管多特异性有机阴离子转运蛋白1elisa检测试剂盒 英文名称:Human Canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1,ABCC2 ELISA kit 规格:48T/96T 货号:YLS-H1535 保存条件:2-8℃低温保存 保质期:6个月 试剂盒成分:酶标板,试剂,标准品等。
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ABCB1 and ABCC2 and the risk of distant metastasis in Thai breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen. Onco Targets Ther. 2016;9:2121-9.Sensorn I, Sukasem C, Sirachainan E, et al. ABCB1 and ABCC2 and the risk of distant metastasis in Thai breast cancer patients treated with ...
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ABCD1 Xq28 19,912 ALD 745 peroxisome ABCD2 12q12 101,296 ALDL1 740 peroxisome very long chain fatty acids very long chain fatty acids ergocalciferol Adrenoleukodystrophy, Addison's disease very long and long chain fatty acids, ABCD3 1p21.3 100,581 PXMP1 659 peroxisome branched-chain fatty ...
mt is a cross-disciplinary biomedical journal devoted to publishing the most exciting advances in pharmacology and therapeutics, as they pertain to advances in translational and clinical medicine. It is recognized as one of the most prestigious journals in the field. With an impact factor of 6.825...