Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto area KXTV 400 Broadway Sacramento, California 95818 (916) 441-2345 San Diego area KGTV 4600 Air Way San Diego, California 92102 (619) 237-1010 Fresno-Visalia area KFSN 1777 G. Street Fresno, Californ...
WSET-TV in Lynchburg, Va., contributed to this report.
people are saying, 'thank you for giving us a choice.' And the people of the district are the ones that asked me to do this. And they basically said, 'John, you're the only one who can beat them,'" McGuiretold Lynchburg, Virginia, ABC affiliate WSET. ...
ABCNews,WashingtonPost,poll,politic,internationalrelation, 数据格式: TEXT 数据用途: Thedatacanbeusedfordatamining. 数据详细介绍: ABCNews/WashingtonPostPoll:PoliticsandInternationalRelations, 2005 InthisMarch2005ABCNews/WashingtonPostpoll,arandomnational sampleof1,001Americanswasaskedtodiscusstheirattitudesandopi...
News,WashingtonPost,poll,politic,randomnationalsample, 数据格式: TEXT 数据详细介绍: ABCNews/WashingtonPostPoll:SpringtimePolitics,2005 InthisApril2005ABCNews/WashingtonPostpoll,arandomnationalsample of1,007Americanswasaskedtodiscusstheirattitudesandopinions ...