ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE DICTIONARY Abbreviations other than Biblical (All references are listed in the Bibliography) AP Andrews-Parker dictionary; reference is given only if no other evidence is available Cap beginning with a capital letter cf. compare Ed Edmondson, 1940 Eng. word borrowed from ...
Carl Ralph Galvez Rubino ABBREVIATIONS USEDINTHIS DICTIONARYa.adjectiveabbr.abbreviationadj.adjectiveadv.adverbalt.alternate formAmSp.American Spanishart.articleAus.AustralianEnglishBik.BikolBoi.BolinaoBon.BontokCConsonantCh.Chinesecircum.circumfixcontr.contractiondim.dimi...
网络略语表 网络释义 1. 略语表 牛津现代英汉双解词典/汤普... ... UsingthisDictionary 使用说明AbbreviationsusedintheDictionary略语表DICTIONARY 词典正 …|基于 1 个网页
abbreviations used in the dictionary 生词本: 添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 词组搭配 英语例句库用户正在搜索 Islamic Jihad, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islamic Resistance Movement, Islamise, Islamism, Islamist, Islamite, Islamitic, islamize, 相似单词 3G, 401(K), a, ...
ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE DICTIONARY - ScienceDirectELSEVIERA Basic Vocabulary of Scientific and Technological German
Define Abbreviations. Abbreviations synonyms, Abbreviations pronunciation, Abbreviations translation, English dictionary definition of Abbreviations. n. 1. The act or product of shortening. 2. A shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing
ABBREVIATION, practice. The omission of some words or letters in writing; as when fieri facias is written fi. fa. 2. In writing contracts it is the better practice to make no abbreviations; but in recognizances, and many other contracts, they are used; as John Doe tent to prosecute, &...
The meaning of ABBREVIATION is a shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole word or phrase. How to use abbreviation in a sentence. What is an abbreviation? What's the difference between an abbreviation and an acronym?