What are the top 10 abbreviations in English? Here’s a list of ten of the most common abbreviations in English, loosely based on a list byGo Natural English. 1don’t(do not) 2can’t(cannot) 3won’t(will not) 4he/she/it’s(he/she/it isorhas) 5I’m, you/we/they’re(I am,...
英语网络用语缩略语A List of Network Abbreviations in English
List of abbreviations : English Syntax in Three Dimensions History - Synchrony - DiachronyTrips, Carola
Jump to:A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z Time Zone Abbreviations – Worldwide List AbbreviationTime zone nameLocationOffset AAlfa Time ZoneMilitary UTC +1 ACDTAustralian Central Daylight Time CDT – Central Daylight Time ...
List of mathematical abbreviations From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 数学缩写列表 维基百科,自由的百科全书 This article is a listing of abbreviated names of mathematical functions, function-like operators and other mathematical terminology. 这篇文章是一个数学函数,类似于函数的操作符和其他的数学术语的缩...
AbbreviationsAAMAnti-Apartheid MovementANCAfrican National CongressANLAnti-Nazi LeagueATSAuxiliary Territorial ServicesBNPBritish National PartyCBIConfederation of British IndustryCPGBCommunist Party of Great BritainECBEnglish Cricket BoardEECEuropean Economic CommunityEUEuropean UnionFAFootball Association GLCGreater ...
We already have some in-depth articles about YYDS and NMSL, but here are more 缩略词Suō lüè cí (shrink words). Chinese abbreviations & acronyms list: AbbreviationsCharactersPinyinMeaning DBQ 对不起 Duìbùqǐ "Sorry" HHH 哈哈哈 Hāhāhā Laughing 3Q 三Q Sān Q "Thank you" ("sān Q" so...
Abbreviation to define Find abbreviation word in meaning location Examples:NFL,NASA,PSP,HIPAA,randomWord(s) in meaning:chat"global warming"Postal codes: USA:81657, Canada:T5A 0A7 With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dic...
[中英双语]数学缩写列表(Listofmathematicalabbreviations)List of mathematical abbreviations From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 数学缩写列表 维基百科,⾃由的百科全书 This article is a listing of abbreviated names of mathematical functions, function-like operators and other mathematical terminology.这篇⽂...
AlistofcommonlyusedabbreviationsinChinese,Englishand abbreviations Aantenna,ampere A.ADJautotune ABCautomaticbrightnesscontrol ABLautomaticbrightnesslimit ACcommunication ACCautomaticchromacontrol ACKautomaticfire ACOFFACshutdown ADDaddress ADJadjustment AERIALantenna ...