Abbreviations for the Names of Important International 0rganizatiOns ADB=Asian Development Bank亚洲开发银行 APEC=Asia—Pacific Economic Cooperation(group)亚洲和太平洋经济合作组织 AL/Arab League=League of Arab States阿拉伯国家联盟 ASEAN=Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟 AU=African Union非洲...
Street names can contain a lot of standard abbreviations (for example, St for Street, Rd for Road, W for West, and so on). When generating directions in text form, it is common to include these abbreviations, but when converting these instructions for voice guidance, these abbreviations need...
Contractions are also normal when writing addresses, likeSt.forStreetorApt.forApartment.Typically abbreviations are used for proper names in addresses, whereas they are not used to replace words used generically. For example, it’sincorrectto write, “What st. do you live on?” Not all contract...
1.a shortened form of a word or phrase used to represent the whole, asDr.forDoctor, U.S.forUnited States, NWforNorthwest, ab.forabout, ft.forfoot,orlb.forpound. act or result of abbreviating; reduction in length, duration, etc.; abridgment. ...
Share on Facebook (redirected fromAbbreviations) Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Acronyms,Encyclopedia. ABBREVIATION, practice. The omission of some words or letters in writing; as when fieri facias is written fi. fa. 2. In writing contracts it is the better practice to make no abbre...
The following table lists examples of suffix forms that are primary street suffix names, common street suffixes or suffix abbreviations, and recommended official Postal Service standard suffix abbreviations.PrimaryStreet SuffixName CommonlyUsed StreetSuffix orAbbreviation Postal ServiceStandardSuffix...
In text, spell out addresses (Third Avenue; the Chrysler Building) but abbreviate city addresses that are part of street names (Central Street SW). Try to avoid opening a sentence with an abbreviation; instead, write the word out. Acronyms ...
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Although the average person on the street in China probably can’t name more than five US states, there is an official Chinese name for each and every one of them. Just like the Chinese geographical names are romanized into English based on the way they sound, for instance,武汉 (Wǔ hàn...
The chemical names, abbreviations, symbols, and pressure rating shall be either in white or black; 翻译结果3复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 The names, abbreviations, chemical symbols, pressure rating shall be either in white or black 翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 ...