Fed. States of Micronesia FM Florida Fla. FL Georgia Ga. GA Guam Guam GU Hawaii Hawaii, H.I. HI Idaho Ida., Id., I. ID Illinois Ill. IL Indiana Ind. IN Iowa Iowa, Ia. IA Kansas Kan., Kans. KS Kentucky Ken., Ky. KY Louisiana La. LA Maine Me. ME Maryland Md. MD Marsha...
To allow space for the ZIP Code in the last line of an address, state names needed to be abbreviated. Previously, the Post Office Department preferred that state names be written in full, to avoid confusion. HISTORIAN UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE MAY 2019 Postal abbreviations for states/te...
ICTM International Council for Traditional Music ID Idaho i.e. id est [that is] IFMC International Folk Music Council IL Illinois ILWC International League of Women Composers IMC International Music Council IMS International Musicological Society IN Indiana Inc. Incorporated inc. incomplete incid incid...
So in this article, we’ll look at theChinese namesfor the 50 US states – both the official names and the abbreviations, learn how they’re written inChinese characters, and how to pronounce them in standard Mandarin. Then, we’ll help you learn a fewuseful phrasesyou can use when intr...
Abbreviations for the United States The United States may be abbreviated to U.S. when used as an adjective, but in formal writing, it’s customarily spelled out. Most often, and especially in casual writing, remove the periods to spell out the United States as US. ...
B State and Province Abbreviations Your FTD Mercury system is set up so you may search for florists and facilities according to the state and country abbreviations. B–2 Chapter B State and Province Abbreviations U.S. State Abbreviations Table B-1: United States State Abbreviations (and District...
To look for a non-book abbreviation or glossary entry, go to the Search form and follow instructions. Common abbreviations: DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls); mss (manuscripts); NT (New Testament); OT (Old Testament/Tanach); ANE (Ancient New East). Books with an X: prefix are NOT in my librar...
DiscoverOurTown.comprovides comprehensive city guides that include travel information, area attractions and restaurant listings for towns across the United States. Sperling’s BestPlaces. Compare cities in the United States, categories include population, cost of living, crime rate, education, climate, ...
Fullyexpanded is one of the fastest growing abbreviations and acronyms dictionary. Know what does different abbreviations stand for? The acronyms and abbreviations have explanation in addition to the extended form.
Indiana Historical Society, IndianapolisKHiUKansas Historical Society, TopekaKyUUUniversity of Kentucky Libraries, LexingtonMCR-SUSchlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University,Cambridge, Mass.MH-ArUHarvard University Archives, Cambridge, Mass.MHiUMassachusetts Historical Society, BostonMiULibrary of...