Titles One of the most common types of abbreviations is the shortened word. Either the first few letters of a word or important letters in the word are used for this type of abbreviation. Common abbreviations include titles used in everyday conversation, as well as military ranks: Mr. - Mis...
Military personnelForeign countriesThe translation gives the administrative structure, the military ranks, monetary units and abbreviations related to the Middle East press for the following countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, ...
V -- following another award means for Valor, such as AM-V is Air Medal for Valor. A -- following another award means for Achievment, such as AM-A for Air Medal for Achievment. Civil War Ranks PVT Private PVT 1CL Private First Class LT Lieutenant CPT Captain 1 LT First Lieutenant M...