BRS - Branches BRF - Brief BRK - Break BRKG - Breaking BRKHIC - Breaks in higher clouds BRKS - Breaks BRKSHR - Berkshire BRKSHRS - Berkshires BRM - Barometer BS - Blowing snow BTWN - Between BYD - Beyond C C - Celsius CA - California CAA - Cold Air Advection...
Military TribunalIPN(Instytut Pamięci Narodowej-KomisjaŚcigania Zbrodniprzeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu) – Institute of NationalRemembrance–Commission for the Prosecution of Crimesagainst the Polish Nation, WarsawAbbreviations xiiAbbreviationsKdS(Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei) – regional (German)Command ...
8Branches 64Tags Code zsh-abbr zsh-abbris the zsh manager forauto-expanding abbreviations- text that when written in a terminal is replaced with other (typically longer) text. Inspired by fish shell. For example, abbreviategit checkoutasco(or evencor anything else). TypecoSpaceand thecoturns ...
colspan="4" |Supreme command and head of military development: '''MND- Ministry of National Defense, Republic of China''' 中華民國國防部 |- ! colspan="4" |'''Republic of China Armed Forces''' 中華民國國軍 |- !Commanding unit !Branches !Abbreviation !Sub-branches |- |'''Army ...