Most cooking measurements abbreviations used in recipes are reasonably intuitive, but it’s best to eliminate guesswork when dinner (or dessert) is at stake. Many professionally written recipes avoid abbreviations altogether for the sake of clarity and, probably, professionalism. However, some of the ...
Kitchen Measurements & Abbreviations 儲存 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 Abbreviation for teaspoon 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 tsp. or t. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 18 建立者 anna_olson75老師 5個月前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 Scene 1 12個詞語 danielle_allaway 預覽 Phi Sigma Pi National ...
To use the most effective tools for measuring. For example: Use ¼ c rather than 4 T Use measuring spoons for ingredients less than ¼ c What is the most efficient way to measure the following measurements? Equivalents What is the most efficient way to measure the following measurements?
Understanding kitchen symbols and abbreviations is essential for reading and designing floor plans. Here are some common kitchen symbols and abbreviations: Wash basinsor sinksare simple illustrations showing the size and shape of the basin. Kitchen cabinetsand countertops are drawn as outlines or blocks...
Since full-size drawings of a building are impractical, floor plans reduce actual measurements to a manageable size. Floor plans are commonly (though not always) drawn on a ¼-inch scale, which means a quarter-inch on the plan equals 1 foot of actual physical length on the structure. ...
yo twice—bring yarn forward, wrap it counterclockwise around the right needle, and bring it forward again to make two wraps around the right needle *—repeat starting point ( )—alternate measurements and/or instructions [ ]—work bracketed instructions a specified number of times...
Most cooking measurements abbreviations used in recipes are reasonably intuitive, but it’s best to eliminate guesswork when dinner (or dessert) is at stake. Many professionally written recipes avoid abbreviations altogether for the sake of clarity and, probably, professionalism. However, some of the...