etc. stands for et cetera and means "and so forth" a.m. stands for ante meridian and means "before noon" p.m. stands for post meridian and means "after noon" Other Common Abbreviations Here are some other common abbreviations: Months Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Jun., Jul., Aug., ...
Now it's been around for a long time and it will probably continue to stay around for a long time to come.It's actually a French expression and it stands for répondez s'il vous plaît which simply means respond, please.它已经存在很长时间了,可能还有存在很长的时间。实际上是一个法语...
Initialisms may or may not use periods after the letters. Traditionally periods have been used to signal an abbreviation, such as U.S.A., but more modern writing tends to abandon the periods for the sake of brevity, as in USA. If initials are used to abbreviate the entire name of a pe...
Tests and Procedures Miscellaneous Usage Safety Common Errors Preventing Errors Bottom LineTime and frequency abbreviationsā: Before (Latin: ante). Indicates that medication should be taken before something, typically a meal. For example, "medication ā breakfast" means the medication should be taken ...
To look for a non-book abbreviation or glossary entry, go to the Search form and follow instructions. Common abbreviations: DSS (Dead Sea Scrolls); mss (manuscripts); NT (New Testament); OT (Old Testament/Tanach); ANE (Ancient New East). Books with an X: prefix are NOT in my librar...
I heard you were in hospital last weekand did not finish your RWAC GWP before DDL, why don't you apply for EC? WHAT? 我先去DB上IBM,下课在Audi门口等你,我们一起去参观SAIC呀! I'm going toattend IBM class in D...
(ante meridiem - before midday) p.m. (post meridiem - after midday) i.e. (id est - that is) e.g. (exempli gratia - for the sake of an example) p.p. (per procurationem - by the agency of) Note: This is a tendency not a rule. If the abbreviation is a proper noun...
A big part of it has to do with the abbreviations for triads, which are traditionally taught before the figured bass for seventh chords. (By the way: this whole process is called "figured bass," and for the exact reason that you discovered: the figures measure the intervals above the bass...
† To avoid errors in the administration of medications and infusions, spell out the word instead of using the indicated abbreviation. For example, use “international unit” instead of I.U.”; “every day” instead of “q.d.”; “every other day” instead of “q.o.d.”; and “unit...
Physicians write clinical notes with abbreviations and shorthand that are difficult to decipher. Abbreviations can be clinical jargon (writing “HIT” for “heparin induced thrombocytopenia”), ambiguous terms that require expertise to disambiguate (usin