In z/OS, an address space can range up to 16 exabytes of contiguous virtual storage addresses that the system creates for the user. An address space contains user data and programs, as well as system data and programs, some of which are common to all address spaces. See virtual address ...
An assignment of graphic characters and control function meanings to all code points; for example, assignment of characters and meanings to 256 code points for an 8-bit code, assignment of characters and meanings to 128 code points for a 7-bit code. See country extended code page. See also ...
EIA Electronic Industries Associates EWIR Electronic Warfare Integrated EID Emitter Identification Data Reprogramming (USAF database) EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated power EWMP Electronic Warfare Master Plan EL Elevation (also El) EWO Electronic Warfare Officer ELF Extremely Low Frequency EWOPFAC Ele...
NLP No light perception (highest degree of blindness) NM Nuclear medicine NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance NNH Number needed to harm NNT Number needed to treat NO Nitric oxide No. Number NOF Neck of femur fracture (refers to hip fracture) Non rep. Do not repeat NOS Nitric oxide synthase; Not...
*Development Assistance Research Associates DART: Disaster Assistance Response Team (US/AID and Canada) DAW: Division for the Advancement of Women (UN) DBS: Direct broadcast satellite DCCP: Disaster critical control point DCI: Defence of Children International/DEI: Défense des Enfants Internati...
AGW (Actual Gold Weight)– An infrequently used term for the weight of pure gold that is in a coin, medal or bar. In contrast, the gross weight of a gold coin includes the weight of alloys. Album Friction– Evidenced by a slight rubbing on a coin’s high points, similar to but not...
APCE: Associação Portuguesa de Comunicação de Empresa (Portuguese Association for Corporate Communication) API: American Petroleum Institute b.p.: basis points bbl: oil barrel BBLT: Benguela, Belize, Lobito and Tomboco bcm: billion cubic metres ...
programmableworkstation. A workstation that has some degree of processing capability and that allows a user to change its functions. prompt. A symbol or action that requests a user entry or selection. PSEG. (1) Page segment. (2) The IBM advanced function printer data format for raster images...
In z/OS, an address space can range up to 16 exabytes of contiguous virtual storage addresses that the system creates for the user. An address space contains user data and programs, as well as system data and programs, some of which are common to all address spaces. See virtual address ...
In z/OS, an address space can range up to 16 exabytes of contiguous virtual storage addresses that the system creates for the user. An address space contains user data and programs, as well as system data and programs, some of which are common to all address spaces. See virtual address ...